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Booklist and Uniform

The 50業子 uniform is part of the Schools proud tradition with the distinctive Unicorn crest on the blazer pocket.

Students have the responsibility to observe the Schools dress code and to wear the uniform neatly and proudly.

Textbooks & Devices

Textbooks for all year levels are available to order online through . It is also now mandatory that every student must have their own Hybrid Tablet Notebook device for learning. These are available for purchase through our partner suppliers, or . A username and password can be found on page 13 of the Hybrid Tablet Notebook Program information sheet below.


Information about how to buy uniform from PSW will be distributed in the coming weeks.

The MHS Second-Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is managed by the MHS Parent & Friends Association Inc and operated by volunteer parents. Parents and students can buy, sell (on consignment), or donate school uniforms.

SHUS is open most Fridays between 1-2pm.

To sell uniforms, please download and complete the sellers’ form and return it with your uniform items to the school.

If youd like to become a volunteer please get in touch by email.